We will elevate our research accomplishment to the highest level to advance human knowledge and creativity, and make vital contributions to the betterment of our world.

Research achievement drives new knowledge and understanding that improves our world, inspires our students and enhances learning opportunities. Research is fundamental to every aspect of our mission. As an exceptional but comparatively small wide-spectrum research university, we must make strategic choices that build on selected areas of strength across the breadth of our research and scholarship. To accelerate research accomplishment and recognition, we must make bold investments in the best faculty, staff and students, including professional development, facilities, equipment and seed grants. We must significantly augment our postdoctoral fellows program. We should aim to double our research funding over the next decade. We must strengthen external collaborations with business, governmental and nongovernmental entities. We must create deep institutional collaborations in focused areas with the Texas Medical Center that generate signature accomplishments. We should identify critical global challenges in areas such as health, education, cities of the future, and sustainability, energy and the environment to which Rice can make distinctive contributions, and work with partners locally and globally to achieve meaningful progress.