Through exceptional teaching, faculty mentoring and experiential opportunities, we will produce graduates who have the broad intellectual and international perspectives, critical thinking capabilities and creative problem-solving skills to be leaders and contributors to our world.

We must assure the excellence of the classroom and curricular experience and strengthen faculty-student interaction across a range of educational contexts. Every undergraduate student should have the opportunity to learn through faculty-mentored research, scholarship, creative endeavors and team-based projects. We must achieve strong faculty participation in the residential colleges, which are central to the Rice experience. To foster a global perspective, international study and research experiences will be increased, especially those with faculty participation. Real-world problem-solving, leadership experience, entrepreneurial opportunities, communication training, internships, mentoring and preparation for careers and graduate education must play an increasing role in the education of our undergraduates. New technologies can be used to enhance student learning in many contexts. We must utilize the talents of our staff, alumni and others to provide the strongest mentorship programs possible. We must implement a new vision of the Central Quad to provide the dynamic spaces that support an engaged and collaborative educational environment.